MBA Statement on Automated Valuation Models and Property Data Collection
The Mortgage Bankers Association appreciates the opportunity to participate in today’s working session to educate this group on the use of algorithm technology in the mortgage process and specifically the use of automated valuation models (AVMs) and property data collectors. The mortgage industry has carefully and deliberately introduced AI, algorithms, and other technologies for a number of reasons, including increasing efficiency, lowering the risk of human error and improving consumer experience.
MBA Letter to VA on the Veterans Housing Stability Act of 2024
Mortgage Bankers Association writes to express support for S. 3728, the Veterans Housing Stability Act of 2024. According to the MBA National Delinquency Survey, 74,370 Veterans are seriously delinquent on their home mortgages as of December 31, 2023. The bill provides these homeowners – who earned their Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) loan guarantee through sacrifice and service to our nation – a solution to resolve delinquency that other borrowers with government-backed loans already possess.
MBA Joint Comment Letter on Proposed Changes to Rule 3002.1
Founded in 1988, the USFN - America's Mortgage Banking Attorneys® ("USFN") is a national, not-for-profit association of law firms that specialize in matters of real estate finance. USFN consists of law firms that represent banks, mortgage lenders, mortgage servicing companies and government sponsored enterprises in connection with foreclosure, bankruptcy, loan modifications and other workouts, inventoried properties, and litigation related to these areas of representation. Membership also includes industry-affiliated suppliers of products and services.
MBA Comment Letter on Proposed Changes to Bankruptcy Rule 3002.1
The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA)1 offers the following comments in response to the proposed changes to Bankruptcy Rule 3002.1 and its associated forms by the Judicial Conference of the United States (the Conference).
MBA Letter to Treasury on FSOC Concerns About Nonbank Mortgage Servicers
The Mortgage Bankers Association writes in response to certain comments you made regarding independent mortgage bankers (IMBs) during last week’s hearings on the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC)’s Annual Report to Congress.
MBA Comment Letter to VA on Minimum Property Requirements ANPR
The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) appreciates the opportunity to provide comments in response to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Advance Notice of Proposed Rule Making (ANPR) concerning the need for improvements to VA’s minimum property requirements (MPRs) for the VA-guaranteed and direct loans as required by the Improving Access to the VA Home Loan Benefit Act of 2022. The VA Home Loan Guaranty Program is one of the most significant benefits servicemembers and veterans receive in return for their sacrifice, and making this program more accessible and operationally efficient is a critical step towards delivering much needed housing to our nation’s heroes. At a time when inventory remains historically low and the average purchase price for a new home has reached $492,3002, it is imperative to ensure that the VA Home Loan Guaranty program remains competitive and viable for veterans or service members.
MBA Joint Letter to NY Legislative Leaders on the 421a Program
MBA Joint Letter to HUD on Section 8 Income Limits
MBA signed a coalition letter responding to HUD’s proposed rule on calculating Section 8 income limits. The letter expresses concern with the new methodology and the negative impact on Fair Market Rents, which in can make it challenging to predict and plan for the costs of construction and maintenance of affordable housing.
MBA Letter to Federal Trade Commission on Unfair or Deceptive Fees
The undersigned organizations appreciate the Federal Communications Commission’s (“Commission”) efforts to clarify rules regarding revocation of consent. As we have previously explained, the members of the Associations make every effort to promptly honor reasonably relayed requests to stop further communications.
MBA Letter to the FTC on Trade Regulation Rule on Unfair or Deceptive Fees
The Mortgage Bankers Association and its members appreciate the opportunity to offer comments on the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC’s) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding Unfair or Deceptive Fees. The MBA shares the FTC’s commitment to transparent pricing of consumer goods and services, but mortgage lending is already subject to comprehensive disclosure rules, known as Regulation Z, promulgated by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) under the Truth in Lending Act (TILA), as well as a broad regulatory prohibition, in the CFPB’s Regulation N, on making misrepresentations in relation to a mortgage transaction.
MBA Letter to FCC on Revocation of Consent under the Telephone Consumer Protect Act
The Mortgage Bankers Association and its members appreciate the opportunity to offer comments on the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC’s) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding Unfair or Deceptive Fees.2 The MBA shares the FTC’s commitment to transparent pricing of consumer goods and services, but mortgage lending is already subject to comprehensive disclosure rules, known as Regulation Z, promulgated by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) under the Truth in Lending Act (TILA), as well as a broad regulatory prohibition, in the CFPB’s Regulation N, on making misrepresentations in relation to a mortgage transaction.
MBA Joint Letter to Governor Hochul Supporting 421a Program
MBA Letter on H.R. 7024 Floor Vote
Mortgage Bankers Association writes to express the staunch support for H.R. 7024, the “Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024,” which is scheduled to be considered by the full U.S. House of Representatives under suspension of the rules today.
MBA Joint Comment Letter in Support of H.R. 7024, the “Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024”
The undersigned real estate trade associations write to express our strong support for H.R. 7024, The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 (the “Act”). We urge you to vote in favor of this legislation when it is considered by the full House of Representatives. The bill, which the Committee on Ways and Means approved by an overwhelming bipartisan 40-3 vote on January 19, would increase the availability of Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) to spur the production of more critically needed affordable housing units, as well as suspend certain tax increases on business investment that took effect in 2022 and 2023. The passage of H.R. 7024 will help increase the supply of housing across the country and have a positive impact on the housing affordability crisis.
MBA Letter to Congressional Leaders on H.R. 3335, the IRS eIVES Modernization and Anti-Fraud Act of 2023
As the leading organizations representing virtually all of the financial services industry, we write to share our concerns about recent policy changes announced by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regarding the Income Verification Express Service (IVES) and urge you to pass H.R. 3335, the IRS eIVES Modernization and Anti-Fraud Act of 2023 to ensure the IRS follows the original intent of Congress and prevents disruptions to the consumer and commercial lending industries.
MBA Letter to HUD on Electronic Closing Protocols
On behalf of the MBA Closing Subcommittee, MBA writes with respect to the recently published Electronic Closing Protocols for certain HUD-insured multifamily and healthcare facility closings.
MBA Comment Letter in Support of H.R. 7024, the “Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024”
On behalf of the MBA, comments are offered to the real estate finance industry on the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (“AINS”) to the recently released text of H.R. 7024, the “Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024,” the tax package negotiated by Chairman Smith and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden scheduled for markup in the House Ways and Means Committee on Friday.
MBA Joint Comment Letter in Support of H.R. 7024, the “Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024”
The undersigned 88 leading national and statewide affordable housing and community development organizations strongly support the investment in critically needed affordable housing supply in the bipartisan, bicameral Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act you jointly released on January 16 and urge you to work with Senate and House leadership to enact this legislation with the housing provisions included as soon as possible.
MBA Letter on the revised MAP Guide Chapter Six
MBA is writing to express support for the publication of the revised MAP Guide Chapter Six that was submitted to Multifamily Production leadership last week by Kevin Han, Office of Multifamily Production Technical Support Division. This revision is the result of an 18-month consensus-based revision process involving HUD, MAP lender stakeholders, and third-party industry experts (the “task force”). The revisions provide more explicit written guidance to all participants, addressing several questions and comments that have come up since the issuance of the 2020 MAP Guide. Additionally, the updated chapter provides a resiliency path to Green MIP for affordable and market rate properties, similar to how the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) provides a resiliency path to improve the energy-efficiency for Section 8 and Public Housing multifamily properties.
MBA Joint Trade Letter to Congress on IRS eIVES Modernization and Anti-Fraud Act of 2023
As the leading organizations representing virtually all of the financial services industry, we write to share our concerns about recent policy changes announced by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regarding the Income Verification Express Service (IVES) and urge you to pass H.R. 3335, the IRS eIVES Modernization and Anti-Fraud Act of 2023 to ensure the IRS follows the original intent of Congress and prevents disruptions to the consumer and commercial lending industries.