Working For: Secondary and Capital Markets Professionals

MBA has resources, tools, and training you need to ensure your organization remains on track while maximizing value for its shareholders. Below are some of the primary membership benefits secondary and capital markets professionals appreciate most.


Making An Impact Through Networks

MBA's Secondary & Capital Markets Committee monitors secondary market activity and policy, provides an open forum to discuss and tackle industry concerns, and advocates for the interests of MBA members on secondary and capital markets-related issues. Your membership allows you to join this highly educational and decision-making body, which gives you a say in shaping the future of the industry. See a full list of MBA committees, councils, and working groups you are eligible to join.


Gathering Industry Updates and Finding Solutions Through Events

Every year, hundreds of professionals gather for MBA's Secondary & Capital Markets Conference to make deals and gain actionable insights from key industry leaders, CEOs, and market makers on the regulatory developments, trends, and strategies to succeed. Sessions at the conference cover many topics, including the changing landscape and the effects on interest rates, rising inflation, lower volume, tighter margins, and affordability concerns. Your membership unlocks savings to this annual event and all of MBA’s conferences throughout the year.


Training Your Team Through Education

Seal - CMB MBA Education offers the prestigious Certified Mortgage Banker (CMB) designation and Accredited Mortgage Professional (AMP) designation. The School of Mortgage Banking series, which combined achieves your AMP, includes 15+ hours on secondary marketing, mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and collateralized mortgage obligations (CMO), pipeline hedging, and pricing. Your membership gives you discounted pricing for these esteemed professional development courses and opportunities as well as access to all of MBA's free webinars and webinar recordings. View upcoming courses suggested for you.


Delivering Critical Industry Data Through Research

Sample Graphic MBA’s Mortgage Bankers Performance Reports contain the most up-to-date performance data to assist in your benchmarking and research needs. Subscribers receive four quarterly reports and one annual report containing meaningful performance measures and benchmarks on IMB originations and servicing. Also, from MBA Research, the Residential Originations Databook — the most comprehensive source of industry-wide residential loan origination data — contains accessible expert analysis on detailed origination trends formatted for practical application and ease of use. An ideal tool for gathering business leads, data is available for the U.S. by State, Metro Market, County, and Lender. Your membership gives you exclusive, complimentary access to 15 single-family premier reports and surveys (login required). 

Savings from Top Solution Providers

Access more than 1,000 vendors offering industry solutions and take advantage of special pricing just for you through MBA's Member Discount Program.


Strengthening our Collective Voice

Sample Graphic MBA’s pivotal advocacy programs are critical to ensuring elected officials understand how policy issues affect you, your customers, and the communities you serve. Together we champion our industry’s voice in Washington, DC, through the Mortgage Action Alliance (our bipartisan, free grassroots network), MBA’s federal Political Action Committee (a group of elected officials who are committed to advancing pro-industry legislation), and the National Advocacy Conference (the largest in-person advocacy event for mortgage bankers).

We're Here to Help!

Laura Hopkins, MBA's Vice President of Membership
Contact me: and (202) 557-2757.

Book a time for an overview of membership and your company engagement.