Complimentary Research

MBA offers a variety of complimentary Research products and surveys. Start exploring what's included with your MBA membership, as well as some offerings that are available to the public.

Access timely trends and summaries for single-family and commercial/multifamily finance professionals.


Single-Family Research

Complimentary for MBA Members
MBA Members Get Access to Regular Updates, Including: MBA Members Get Access to our Single-Family Research for MBA Members Page for Exclusive  Reports, Including:
  • Quarterly Performance Report (Historical Overview statistics)
  • National Delinquency Survey Summary Results
  • Mortgage Credit Availability Index (MCAI) Historical Data and Charts
  • HMDA Top 50 Originator Ranking

Commercial/Multifamily Research

Complimentary for MBA Members

MBA Commercial/Multifamily Regular Members and Select and Premier Associate Members Get Access to: 

Complimentary for MBA Members

MBA Members Get Exclusive Access to Popular Third-Party Reports via our Single-Family Research for MBA Members page. Reports include:

  • Top 25 Servicer Rankings from Recursion
  • Mortgage Company Performance Data from Boston Consulting Group
  • Home Equity and Mortgage Insights from Curinos



Participate in an MBA Survey

Your participation helps the industry succeed. Learn how you and your company can be a part of the big picture by participating in one or more of the many surveys conducted by MBA. Learn more.