Attorney Opinion Letters on Alternative Title Insurance Product Offerings

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MBA Members have exclusive access to a white paper by Blank Rome that discusses the emerging attorney opinion letter products that are being offered as an alternative to title insurance and how they may differ from traditional title insurance. 

This white paper from the Blank Rome law firm discusses the emerging attorney opinion letter products offered as an alternative to title insurance and how they may differ from traditional title insurance. MBA commissioned Blank Rome to write this paper as a resource for our lender members at the direction of our Residential Board of Governors to understand better these new alternatives and their possible benefits and risks. The conclusions expressed in this paper are the expert opinion of the team at Blank Rome.

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To date, there is no MBA "position" on alternatives to traditional title insurance, and our release of this paper is not an MBA endorsement of its conclusions. MBA would like to thank Blank Rome for its thorough and thoughtful work, notably Jonathan Moore, Wayne Streibich, and Louise Marencik. We hope this white paper is informational and helpful.

This paper does not constitute legal advice, and it is prudent to consult your own internal or outside counsel before making any business changes concerning your title insurance practices.

Please see also the FAQ/resource guide from the American Land Title Association (ALTA) regarding Attorney Opinion Letters.

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Please feel free to reach out to Justin Wiseman or Alisha Sears. We are also happy to connect you with the team at Blank Rome if interested.

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