MBA Comment Letter on Proposed Changes to the NMLS Mortgage Call Reports
The Mortgage Bankers Association appreciates the opportunity to comment on proposed changes to the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) Mortgage Call Report Form Version 7 (MCRV7). Thank you also for the preview of these changes made during the August 2024 NMLS Ombudsman meeting by Jeff Peterson from the Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance and Jessan Groenendyk from CSBS.
MBA Joint Letter on TJCA Extension
The undersigned organizations support extending pro-growth tax policies that have raised workers’ wages, helped families weather inflation, and led to more well paying jobs. The individual, business, and estate tax provisions of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (“TCJA”) have been instrumental in helping achieve these goals and should be made permanent.
MBA Joint Letter to Senate Banking Committee on CFPB Nominee Jonathan McKernan
The undersigned organizations offer our enthusiastic support for Jonathan McKernan to serve as the next Director of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). We urge the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs to approve his nomination and send it to the Senate floor as quickly as possible.
MBA Letter to Senate Banking Committee on CFPB Director Nominee Jonathan McKernan
Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), writes to express the real estate finance industry’s strong support for President Trump’s nomination of Jonathan McKernan to be the next Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“the Bureau”).
MBA Joint Letter to Senate Banking Committee on FHFA Nominee Bill Pulte
The undersigned organizations offer their enthusiastic support for Bill Pulte to serve as the next Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). They urge the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs to approve his nomination and send it to the Senate floor as quickly as possible.
MBA Joint Letter on Maryland Trust Licensing Issue
The Maryland Mortgage Bankers and Brokers Association (MMBBA), the Mortgage Bankers Association of Metropolitan Washington DC, and the national Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) wish to express our thanks with respect to your introduction of companion bills SB1026 and HB1516, the Maryland Secondary Market Stability Act of 2025. The organizations fully support your legislation, which is also supported by the Maryland Office of Financial Regulation (OFR), because it is essential to restoring normal access to affordable home mortgage credit in the state.
MBA Joint Trade Letter MD OFR on State Licensing
The Structured Finance Association (SFA), the Maryland Mortgage Bankers and Brokers Association (MMBBA), the Mortgage Bankers Association of Metropolitan Washington, the national Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), the Housing Policy Council, the American Fintech Council, and SIFMA comment on the emergency amendments to Maryland Regulations .02 and .04 under COMAR 09.03.06 (the “Regulations”). In concert with the Regulations, the Office of Financial Regulation (OFR) issued industry guidance (the “Guidance”) explaining its intent to implement the OFRs understanding of the holding in Estate of Brown v. Ward, 261 Md. App. 385, 396 (2024) decided by the Appellate Court of Maryland.
MBA Letter to Senate Banking Committee on FHFA Bill Pulte Nomination
MBA is writing to express the real estate finance industry’s strong support for President Trump’s nomination of William J. “Bill” Pulte to be the next Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA).
MBA Letter to CFPB on Non-Bank Consent Order Registry
In light of President Trump’s executive order1 titled Regulatory Freeze Pending Review, the MBA urges the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or Bureau) to take immediate action to postpone for 60 days the effective compliance dates for entities subject to the CFPB’s Nonbank Registration Regulation3 (the Rule) issued on June 3, 2024. While the deadline for large nonbank entities recently passed, the registration process is ongoing, with smaller nonbanks under CFPB supervision required to register by April 14, 2025, and all other covered nonbanks to follow by July 14, 2025.
MBA Joint Letter on Main Street Tax Certainty Act of 2025 (199A)
The undersigned business groups strongly support your Main Street Tax Certainty Act of 2025, legislation to make permanent the 20-percent deduction for small- and family-owned businesses(Section 199A). This legislation would provide certainty to the millions of S corporations, partnerships and sole proprietorships that rely on the Section 199A deduction to remain competitive.
MBA Letter to VA on Proposed Rule Regarding Loan Reporting Requirement
MBA appreciates the opportunity to offer comments on the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Notice of Proposed Rule Making concerning the VA’s loan reporting requirements. MBA commends the VA for prioritizing improvements that strengthen the program’s operational framework and for considering stakeholder input to drive impactful changes.
MBA Coalition Letter in Support of HUD Secretary Nominee Scott Turner
The undersigned organizations offer enthusiastic support for Scott Turner to serve as the next Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). We urge the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs to approve his nomination and send it to the Senate floor as quickly as possible.
MBA Joint Letter on FHA Servicing Handbook Updates
MBA comment on the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) proposal to update the Servicing and Loss Mitigation, Claims, and Dispositions sections and Appendix 4.0 of the Single-Family Housing Policy Handbook.
MBA Industry Comment on FHA Loss Mitigation Updates
MBA comments on joint policy recommendations in response to FHA’s November 25, 2024 draft handbook. Our recommendations demonstrate strong support for HUD’s draft and alignment on significant points related to the loss mitigation process.
MBA Letter on Illinois Mortgage CRA Examination Fee Implementation
The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) is writing to express urgent concern regarding the January 1, 2025 due date for annual fees its independent mortgage bank (IMB) members are expected to pay to implement the Illinois Community Reinvestment Act (ILCRA). Because the new fee structure was only published in the Illinois Register on December 6th, MBA strongly urges the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) to provide licensees at least a 60-day grace period for payment.
MBA Letter to FHA Advocating for Modernized Title I Loan Process
The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) draft Title I Letter (TIL) regarding the proposal to modernize the Title I loan application process by replacing outdated forms (HUD-56001 and HUD-56001-MH) with the industry-standard Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA, Fannie Mae Form 1003/Freddie Mac Form 65), along with the introduction of a new HUD Addendum for Title I Loans (HUD-92900-TI).
MBA Letter to HUD on Draft Mortgagee Letter Concerning Boarder Income
MBA Letter to HUD on Draft Mortgagee Letter Concerning Boarder Income
MBA Joint Letter to Congress on Road to Housing Act
The undersigned organizations – whose members all play a critical role in the production, financing, sale, and rental of both single- and multifamily housing throughout the country –support the Renewing Opportunity in the American Dream to Housing Act (“ROAD to Housing Act,” S. 5027/H.R. 990), authored by Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) and Representative French Hill (R-AR).
MBA Comment Letter to HUD on Rental Boarder Income
MBA offers comments on the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Draft Mortgagee Letter 2024-XX: Revisions to Policies for Rental Income from Boarders of the Subject Property (draft ML). We commend the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) efforts to expand eligibility through flexibilities in boarder income policies, recognizing the evolving dynamics of housing affordability and further aligning its policies with the Government Sponsored Enterprises.
MBA Joint Support Letter for H.R. 3507, the Yes In My Backyard (“YIMBY”) Act
The undersigned national associations represent for-profit and non-profit owners, operators, developers, lenders, property managers, housing agencies, housing cooperatives and advocacy organizations involved in the provision and promotion of housing, both affordable and conventional. We are writing to urge Members of the House of Representatives to pass the bipartisan Yes in My Backyard (YIMBY) Act (H.R. 3507), sponsored by Congressmen Mike Flood (R-NE) and Derek Kilmer (D-WA), during House consideration this week.