Committee Members
Jack M. Cohen, CMB, CRI
Name :
Jack M. Cohen, CMB, CRI
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Company :
ArrowMark Partners
Member title :
Managing Member
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Mr. Cohen has more than 43 years of experience as a leader, manager, originator and administrator across a diverse portfolio of career initiatives, though mostly in commercial real estate. Mr. Cohen is a Managing Director at Arrowmark Partners. Additionally, Mr. Cohen acts as the Head of Strategy for Saluda Grade. Mr. Cohen began his career with Cohen Financial in 1981 as a loan originator before taking the lead of the firm as CEO, a title he held for twenty-five years. Mr. Cohen recapitalized the firm six times between 1998 and 2013.
Mr. Cohen has held several Professional Affiliations, including Association President of Chartered Realty Investor and Commercial Real Estate Finance Council (“CREFC”), Commercial Real Estate Finance/Multifamily Board of Governors (“COMBOG”) and sits on the big board at Mortgage Bankers Association (“MBA”). Mr. Cohen holds several honors and awards including CREFC Founder’s Award Winner in recognition of lifetime contributions to the commercial real estate securitization industry and the Mortgage Banker’s Association COMBOG Award Given in Recognition of Borrower Satisfaction Efforts.
After Cohen Financial, Mr. Cohen formed Darkknight Ventures as a personal holding company where he is a mentor capitalist coaching executives of all ages, doing consulting on a variety of strategic initiatives, and investing in operating businesses. Mr. Cohen, since leaving Cohen Financial, worked as a small business enterprise coach at Shirlaws Group; at 3650 REIT as a Managing Director; and at Stronghill Capital as President and Chief Innovation Officer.
Mr. Cohen has taught classes on Leadership, Career Development and Commercial Real Estate Finance at: Northwestern University, Claremont Men’s College, University of Denver (in conjunction with Urban Land Institute), University of Wisconsin, and the University of Colorado, Boulder campus. Mr. Cohen has authored his first book, Freedom Frameworks, offering tools for infinite possibilities to achieve career success on your own terms. The book is geared to young professionals ages 25-35.
Mr. Cohen, personally, is a pilot, and maintains an Airline Transport Pilot License and two Single Pilot Type Ratings for Light Jets. Mr. Cohen is also a second-degree black belt in Tomiki styled Aikido, a NAUI certified Scuba Diver, and active outdoors.
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