Committee Members
Deborah H. Jones, CMB
Name :
Deborah H. Jones, CMB
Committee Position :
External PK :
Last name :
Company :
Citizens Bank
Member title :
SVP, Director of Secondary and Capital Markets
City :
Glen Allen
State :
Hash code :
Member Photo URL : Jones_240_240.jpg
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Deb Jones, CMB, is Director of Mortgage Capital Markets for Citizens Bank. She oversees teams that manage all capital and secondary market activities and strategic balance sheet transactions. In her 35+ year career, Deb held various roles, including, trading, deal structuring and asset sales with Greenwich Capital and the RTC. She also served broader roles, including as Chief Administration Officer at Charter One; and EVP and principal in a mortgage consulting firm. Deb participates in industry activities with advisory boards and trade associations, including MBA, HPC, GSE and Lender Roundtables. She is on the MBA board and the non-profit, CapitalW Collective, which provides education and career development in the capital markets space, particularly for women.
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