Joel Tasca

Partner Ballard Spahr LLP

Joel E. Tasca has spent his career in Ballard Spahr's Litigation Department, where he represents companies of all sizes, as well as individuals, in complex litigation in state and federal courts across the country. He was in the firm's Philadelphia office before moving to the Las Vegas office. Joel has represented clients in a broad range of areas, including consumer financial services, securities fraud, professional malpractice, products liability, complex business disputes, data breaches, and open records litigation. In the area of consumer financial services, Joel has experience defending banks, mortgage servicers, fintech companies, small-dollar lenders, and numerous other types of financial institutions in class and individual actions brought by consumers. Many of these suits have arisen under federal consumer protection laws such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, the Truth in Lending Act, and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, as well as under state unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts and practices statutes. Joel has obtained countless dismissals, summary judgments and jury verdicts, as well as favorable settlements on behalf of financial institutions in consumer lawsuits and arbitrations. Joel also regularly counsels his financial institution clients on ways to reduce their risk of liability to consumers.

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