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Whitt Steineker

Partner Bradley

While attorneys are often referred to by various titles (lawyer, attorney, advisor, and those are just the ones fit to list in a bio), Whitt Steineker prides himself on being a counselor to his clients. He wants to understand his clients and their businesses and use that understanding to help those clients achieve their goals and protect and grow their assets.
Whitt has devoted his legal career to representing companies that provide a wide range of goods and services. He provides clients of all types with litigation counsel, transactional advice, and practical strategies for growth. Whitt advises clients of all sizes — from multinational corporations to local businesses — in transactional and litigation matters in jurisdictions across the country and around the world.
As co-chair of Bradley’s Cannabis Industry team, Whitt represents clients on a wide range of cannabis issues. In addition to providing a full suite of legal services to cannabis companies, Whitt and the Cannabis Industry team advise non-cannabis clients – from banks to commercial real estate companies to insurance companies and high-net-worth individuals – on best practices for doing business (or, when appropriate, not doing business) with cannabis companies.

Photo of Whitt Steineker

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