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This session features a moderator-facilitated discussion where attendees ask questions and exchange information to learn how peers are approaching Loan Officer Compensation.
This session highlights recent cases and litigation developments relating to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
This session features a moderator-facilitated discussion where attendees ask questions and exchange information to learn how peers are approaching RESPA Section 8.
This session covers key state cases that impact compliance responsibilities with a focus on those that may indicate federal trends. In addition, the session highlights recent cases and litigation developments pertaining to the Foreclosure Abuse Prevention Act (FAPA.)
This session features a moderator-facilitated discussion where attendees ask questions and exchange information to learn how peers are approaching challenges in servicing.
This session highlights recent Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) cases and litigation. In addition, litigation pertaining to Fair Lending will also be discussed.
This session features a moderator-facilitated discussion where attendees ask questions and exchange information to learn how peers are approaching Fair Lending.
This session covers the latest developments in bankruptcy law and how recent cases impact compliance responsibilities. In addition, matters pertaining to data breach litigation will be addressed.
MBA’s CEO Bob Broeksmit provides an update on MBA’s recent work in Washington on behalf of its members.
Join a panel of government regulators and enforcers to discuss recent activity and future priorities as a new administration is seated.
Join our discussion on major litigation developments and trends affecting mortgage lending. Panelists discuss impactful enforcement actions and significant court rulings, providing their thoughts on what these developments mean for the mortgage industry.
This expert panel analyzes fact patterns and issues of top concern pertaining to loan originator compensation. Discussion includes recent updates and changes you need to be aware of. Best practices and tips for avoiding common pitfalls and recent enforcement actions are discussed.
Get the latest updates on key state cases and enforcement trends from state to state. This panel examines developing trends that could have a large impact on the industry down the road and offers thoughts on how to comply.
Have questions or matters to discuss? Join compliance experts for questions on these topics: RESPA, Loan Originator Compensation, Servicing, Fair Lending, and Data Privacy and Security.
The conference wraps up with a facilitated super session featuring top legal and compliance experts. Bring your questions from the many issues discussed at the conference. Every topic is fair game in this popular session that will address legislation and litigation as well as regulatory requirements.