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Joseph Reilly

Partner Troutman Pepper Locke

Joseph “Joe” Reilly advises a wide variety of financial services companies as they navigate increasingly complex regulatory and compliance requirements. He regularly represents lenders, fintech startups, neobanks, and mortgage servicers in enforcement matters, including informal investigations and examinations by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), OCC, Federal Reserve, FDIC, SEC, numerous state agencies, and the mortgage government-sponsored enterprises such as Fannie Mae. His compliance counseling work covers the entire range of consumer and business lending laws and rules under TILA/Reg. Z, ECOA/Reg. B, UDAAP, EFTA/Reg. E, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, debt-collection laws, GLBA privacy provisions, state licensing regimes, and others.
Joe also advises financial services providers on all aspects of BSA/AML compliance and has litigated SAR confidentiality and immunity provisions. Joe has extensive experience advising on mortgage law matters, including RESPA’s anti-kickback provisions, and fair lending, servicing, and mortgage insurance issues. He is the principal author of CFPB Mortgage Origination Rules Deskbook published by the American Bankers Association. The 625-page treatise, now in its 2nd edition, is the definitive guide to the CFPB’s mortgage origination rules mandated by the Dodd-Frank Act.
For banks and bank-affiliated clients, Joe advises on bank powers, federal preemption, and a variety of Bank Holding Company Act matters. He also advises credit unions and Farm Credit lenders on compliance issues across the range of their lending and investing activities.

Photo of Joseph Reilly

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