Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Policies and Programs
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Resolving the status of the GSEs, now having exceeded a decade of conservatorship, is the final piece of unfinished business following the financial crisis. MBA supports comprehensive legislative reforms that would fix the structural flaws of the GSEs'
pre-crisis business models while preserving what works in the market today. Meanwhile, MBA continues to advocate for transparent GSE policies that provide clear servicing requirements and promote liquidity while ensuring fair and equal access to the secondary
market for lenders of all sizes and types.
Recent MBA Activity Related to Secondary and Capital Markets Issues
MBA Letter to Treasury on Barriers to PLS Market Recovery
Joint Letter to FHFA Opposing Further GSE G-Fee Increases
Joint Letter to FHFA Opposing Further GSE G-Fee Increases (Added Signatories)
Joint Letter to the Agencies, CFPB, FHFA, and NCUA on Proposed AMC Rule Implications
MBA Testimony to Senate Banking Committee on Small Lender Secondary Market Access
MBA Testimony to Senate Banking Committee on Government Guarantee of Mortgage-Backed Securities
MBA Testimony to House Financial Services Committee on the Protect American Taxpayers and Homeowners Act
MBA Testimony to House Financial Services Committee on the Ability to Repay QM Rule
MBA Testimony to House Financial Services Committee on FHA Reforms
MBA Testimony to Senate Banking Committee on FHA Reforms
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