Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Policies and Programs
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Resolving the status of the GSEs, now having exceeded a decade of conservatorship, is the final piece of unfinished business following the financial crisis. MBA supports comprehensive legislative reforms that would fix the structural flaws of the GSEs'
pre-crisis business models while preserving what works in the market today. Meanwhile, MBA continues to advocate for transparent GSE policies that provide clear servicing requirements and promote liquidity while ensuring fair and equal access to the secondary
market for lenders of all sizes and types.
Recent MBA Activity Related to Secondary and Capital Markets Issues
MBA Letter to FHFA on Proposed Duty to Serve Underserved Markets Plans
MBA Testimony of David H. Stevens: “Principles of Housing Finance Reform”
MBA Letter to DOA on Improving Customer Service
MBA Letter to FHFA on Duty to Serve Proposed Evaluation Guidance
MBA Letter to the House Financial Services Committee on Financial CHOICE Act 2.0
MBA Letter to FHFA on Chattel Financing of Manufactured Homes Request for Input
MBA Letter to FHFA on Duty to Serve Proposed Rule
Joint Letter to House Financial Services Committee on Congress Blocking FHFA's Proposed FHLB Rule
MBA Letter to Senate Appropriations Committee on HUD Appropriations for FY 2016
MBA Letter to Senate Banking Committee Chairman on the Financial Regulatory Improvement Act of 2015
Joint Letter to Senate Budget Committee on Legislative Amendments to Prevent G-Fee Use to Offset Unrelated Spending
MBA Letter to FHFA on FHLB Membership Proposal
MBA Letter Urging FHFA to Consider Alternative Credit Score Models
MBA Letter to FHFA on Proposed Enterprise Housing Goals
MBA Letter to FHFA on the GSEs Recommendations for Seller/Servicer Auditor Rotation
MBA Letter to Moody's on Proposed MBS Credit Rating Model
MBA Letter to FHFA Supporting GSE Single MBS
MBA Letter to FHFA on Strategic Plan 2015-19
MBA Letter to FHFA Opposing Arbitrary G-Fee Increases or LLPAs
MBA Letter to FHFA on PMIERs Proposal
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School of Multifamily Mortgage Banking: August 2025: Washington, DC
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School of Multifamily Property Inspections: September 2025: Online
School of Mortgage Banking I: September 2025: Dallas, TX
School of Mortgage Banking II: September 2025: Dallas, TX
School of Mortgage Banking III: October 2025: Online
School of Mortgage Banking I: October 2025: Online
School of Mortgage Servicing: October 2025
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