MBA’s RIHA Releases Second Collection of Essays on Climate Change’s Impact on Real Estate Finance
Milliman, Inc., wrote the third essay in the compendium, Climate Change: Challenges for Insurance and Housing Markets. The essay reviews the emerging impacts of climate change on property insurance and how, in turn, the changes in property insurance will affect housing markets. Key takeaways include:
- Property insurance is often the first line of financial defense for both homeowners and lenders in the event a property is damaged.
- Physical risks associated with climate change directly impact insurance liabilities in the form of increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters.
- Transition risks could potentially impact insurers indirectly through increased investment risk. While the effects of transition risk on insurers may not be acute, insurers that are heavily invested in carbon-reliant assets should evaluate investment strategies to prepare for potential devaluation of these assets.
- A healthy private insurance market is essential to a stable housing market. Changes in insurance availability and affordability in areas impacted by climate change present risks to property values, mortgage lending, and sustainable homeownership.
Andrew Davidson & Co., Inc. prepared the final essay, Conditioning Mortgage Credit Analysis on Climate Risk: General Approach & Florida Case Study. The essay provides details on an approach to condition behavioral mortgage and house price models on variability in climate risk as represented economically by variability in rising insurance premiums. Key takeaways include:
- The incorporation of granular property-level climate risk forecasts as encapsulated in rising insurance premiums marks a significant step in the evolution of mortgage models.
- A granular approach, while more complex to setup than a macro approach (that measures climate risk at a state- or MSA-level), includes the ability to meet all the requirements from regulators and investors and gives the ability to make loan-level pricing and risk decisions by keeping the data appropriately granular based on the specific climate hazard.
MBA's RIHA is a 501(c)(3) trust fund. RIHA's chief purpose is to encourage and assist - through grants to distinguished scholars and subject matter experts, educational institutions, research facilities, and government organizations - establishment of a broader-based knowledge of mortgage banking and real estate finance. You can find additional studies on RIHA's website: .
The Mortgage Bankers Association’s (MBA) Research Institute for Housing America (RIHA) today published a second collection of essays that addresses the impacts of climate change on the real estate finance industry.