RC_LA_PLA_200.3 Mortgage Assumption Concepts

1-5 CMB Points Education Intermediate Loan Administration & Servicing Residential Residential Certified Mortgage Servicer (RCMS) Self-Study Web-Based Courses
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Member $50.00
Non-Member $100.00

Mortgage Assumption Concepts focuses on defining assumptions, the advantages of assumptions, and the documentation necessary to complete an assumption. It also explains the approval and closing process for an assumption loan. The course begins with a look at the different types of assumptions and the benefits of each. It then looks at the contents and instructions of a typical assumption package. Finally, it reviews the standard requirements for completing the assumption process.

This is a single-family/residential course.


  • Fundamentals of Assumptions
  • Assumption Package
  • Approval and Closing Process


    Seat time approximately 30 mins.

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