COMPLIANCE CONVERSATIONS: Fair Lending, LEP, and SPCPs (Closed to Media)
This session features a facilitated discussion where attendees can ask questions and exchange information to learn how peers are approaching compliance challenges related to Fair Lending, Limited English Proficiency (LEP), and Special Purpose Credit Programs (SPCP).

Daniella Casseres is a partner at Mitchell Sandler and leads the firm’s mortgage practice group. She advises mortgage lenders on federal and state laws relating to fair lending, compensation rules, advertising, licensing, and privacy. Casseres is lead counsel to clients in federal and state regulatory investigations and enforcement matters involving the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, HUD, the Department of Justice, and various state financial regulators.

Monika brings her passion for building relationships and connecting people to the company’s business development activities. Her unique experience as both in-house counsel and outside counsel working with public, private and start-up companies enables her to add valuable insight to CrossCheck’s engagements with mortgage companies, banks, credit unions and fintech companies. Her work frequently involves partnering directly with in-house counsel and outside counsel to provide strategic advice and help clients both mitigate risk and cost effectively scope engagements. As general counsel, Monika advises the firm on ethics, conflicts of interest, governance, internal controls, risk management issues, contracts, and vendor management and provides guidance on client matters.

Joshua Weinberg is a nationally recognized speaker, author, consultant, and leader in the mortgage industry. He is the President of Firstline Compliance (, a consulting company specializing in mortgage compliance and technology. He works closely with Federal and State Regulators and participates with many industry associations. He is currently Vice Chair of MBA's State Regulatory Compliance Committee, leads MBA’s LEP Working Group, and is the past Chair of MBA’s Regulatory Compliance Committee, a member of ABA’s Residential Markets Committee, and Past Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors for MISMO.
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