Tax Issues
MBA encourages policymakers to support and enact tax laws that support long-term economic growth, which is the foundation of strong real estate markets. On December 22, 2017, President Trump signed H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), into public law. While many of the TCJA changes impact all businesses alike (regardless of the specific industry), this comprehensive new tax law has numerous provisions that unambiguously affect the real estate finance industry. MBA supported elements of the TCJA that provided both homeowners and renters with more "take-home" pay by lowering overall tax rates and nearly doubling the standard deduction. MBA advocated for its members on many important issues during the tax reform debate. As some of these provisions are set to sunset, MBA will continue to work with lawmakers to ensure that homeowners and renters are not negatively impacted.
Tax Extenders: MBA advocates for Congress to make the mortgage insurance (MI) premium deductibility provision permanent. Servicers that are required to issue IRS Form 1098 to taxpayers need to know whether or not to report MI on the form. Congress has extended the provision retroactively many times in the past, which creates serious and costly operational issues for servicers. MBA will continue to work with the IRS to figure out a work-around that will help avoid or drastically reduce the operational issues that servicers are faced with due to the continued (and especially retroactive) short-term extensions of the provision.
Recent MBA Activity Related to Tax and Accounting Issues
MBA Letter to House Leadership on Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
MBA Letter to House and Senate, Treasury, and White House Leadership on Tax Reform
MBA Letter on Alternative Data
Joint Letter to House Sponsors on the Medical Debt Relief Act of 2015
MBA Letter to Basel Committee on Accounting Guidance for Expected Credit Losses
MBA Letter to FASB on Technical Corrections to Language for Return Accounts Provisions
MBA Letter to Basel Committee on Proposed Revisions to the Standardized Approach for Credit Risk
MBA Letter to Basel Committee on Capital Floor Framework, the Standardized Approach
MBA Letter to House on the Tax Increase Prevention Act
MBA Letter to FASB Supporting Proposed Classification of FHA Loans in Foreclosure