Private-Label Securities (PLS) Market
The market for private-label residential MBS is an important channel by which private entities, rather than taxpayers, invest in mortgage credit risk. While fundamental problems in this market were exposed prior to 2008, solutions have been more difficult
to implement than many expected. MBA supports both market-based and policy-based reforms that would make the private-label market more attractive as opposed to reforms that aim to "crowd in" private capital through regulatory measures to shrink the
agency market. Key reforms relate to data disclosures, capital requirements, and loan-level due diligence.
Recent MBA Activity Related to Secondary and Capital Markets Issues
MBA Letter to FHFA on the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan
Joint Letter to Senate Leadership on LIBOR tough legacy contracts
MBA Letter to OCC on Climate Risk to Banks
MBA Letter to FHFA GSE Loss Mitigation Recommendations
MBA Letter to FHFA on Enterprise Regulatory Capital Framework
Joint Letter to FHFA on Enterprise Regulatory Capital Framework
Joint Letter to Ginnie Mae on Pooling Restrictions on Re-Performing Loans
MBA Letter to FHFA on Enterprise Capital Framework
MBA Letter to FHFA on GSE Housing Goals
MBA Letter to FHFA on GSE Equitable Housing Finance Plans
Related MBA Events
Bank-Owned Mortgage Divisions: What Bankers Need to Know to Manage Mortgage Banking
School of Mortgage Banking III: June 2025: Online
Introduction to Mortgage Banking: June 2025: On-Demand
School of Mortgage Banking I: July 2025: Washington D.C.
School of Mortgage Banking II: July 2025: Washington D.C.
School of Mortgage Banking I: August 2025: Online
School of Multifamily Mortgage Banking: August 2025: Washington, DC
School of Mortgage Banking III: August 2025: Washington D.C.
Introduction to Mortgage Banking: September 2025: On Demand
School of Mortgage Banking I: September 2025: Dallas, TX