GSE Multifamily Policy
The Enterprises play a critical role in providing a reliable source of capital for the multifamily mortgage market and support the increase in supply of affordable rental housing.
The GSEs serve as an important source of capital for financing multifamily housing. In the current context of multifamily housing finance and GSE reform, MBA will continue to advocate for legislative or administrative reform that supports liquidity in all market cycles while recognizing the important role of competition in financing multifamily housing. MBA will engage with policymakers to encourage GSE-related policies to support an appropriate role in affordable housing and underserved markets.
Over a decade has passed since the Enterprises were placed into government conservatorship. Despite the intent that conservatorship would serve as only a temporary bridge to stabilize the Enterprises, the conservatorship persists, and the Enterprises’ long-term status remains unresolved. GSE reform bills have been introduced in Congress; MBA and other organizations have released white papers and other documents suggesting visions for the future of the GSEs and housing finance.
RELATED: Read MBA’s Whitepaper on GSE Reform: Creating a Sustainable, More Vibrant Secondary Mortgage Market
Recent MBA Activity Related to GSE Multifamily Policy
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MBA Joint Letter Urging NFIP Extension
MBA Joint Letter to Congress, Administration on Pro-Growth Tax Agenda
MBA Letter to HUD Requesting Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) Extension
MBA Letter to HUD to Roll Back the Debt Service Coverage Ratio
MBA Joint Trade Letter to HUD on Section 232 Properties
MBA Joint Letter on H.R. 8127, The Heirs Estate Inheritance Resolution and Succession (HEIRS) Act of 2024.
MBA Joint Trade Letter Opposing President Joe Biden's Rent Control Proposal
MBA Letter to FHFA on FHLB RFI
MBA Joint Trades Letter on the Revitalizing Downtowns and Main Streets Act
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