State Communications
Talk to us and with each other! In order to maintain communications between MBA and state associations, as well as communications among state associations, MBA has a series of initiatives to ensure there is never a gap in briefings and information sharing.
Talk to Your Association Peers in Other States All Year

MBA's online community for state and local leaders is a free tool that gives you access to staff and volunteers across the country quickly and easily. It is also MBA's fastest way of sharing useful messages and information to the community. To learn more about joining the community, contact Ainsley Zimmer.
Want to do more with mPact and mPower? Here’s How!

mPact is MBA's initiative to build an engaged network of young professionals within the real estate industry. With a network of almost 1,800 young professionals, mPact hosts events across the country. To learn more about hosting an mPact event in your state, contact Jacky Salazar.
MBA's mPower platform creates opportunities to leverage the power and influence of women. We facilitate and encourage dialogue to support and advance women at all levels throughout the mortgage banking industry. To learn more about hosting an mPower event in your state, contact Jamika Watson.
Co-Branded Materials for State Groups

To help the industry speak with one voice, MBA makes available public-facing materials that can be co-branded. In addition to advocacy campaign sign on letters, you can check out the current We Believe and Disaster Preparedness sections of our site, for co-branding opportunities. For help or questions on how best to use these resources, contact William Kooper.
Get Social with our Social Media Toolkit

Sourcing regular content and reaching a large audience via social media can be a challenge. We developed this toolkit to aid in that process. Take a look at MBA and our social platforms to find content and amplify the voice of your association by referring to MBA's popular social presence.
Want to Get More Involved? Join the State Relations Committee!

MBA's State Relations Committee (SRC) is the home for discussion of the operational needs of state and local partners. Members receive the bi-monthly SRC Newsletter that summarizes all MBA news over the previous two weeks. To join, contact Ainsley Zimmer.
Need a MBA Speaker for Your Event?

MBA can help support your annual event through MBA's Speaker Bureau of officers and senior staff. Learn more here.