National Delinquency Survey

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The National Delinquency Survey (NDS) is one of the most recognized sources for residential mortgage delinquency and foreclosure rates. Based on a sample of almost 40 million first lien loans reported by servicers including independent mortgage banks and depositories such as large banks, community banks, and credit unions, NDS provides quarterly delinquency and foreclosure statistics at the national, regional and state levels.

Delinquency and foreclosure measures are broken out into the following 8 loan types: All loans aggregated, Conventional, Conventional Fixed, Conventional ARM,  FHA, FHA Fixed, FHA ARM and VA loans. At each geographic classification, there are 7 measures provided as percentages: total delinquencies, delinquency by past due category (30-59 days, 60-89 days and 90 days and over), new foreclosures starts, foreclosure inventory, and seriously delinquent. The total number of loans serviced each quarter is also included in the data. Download a sample report. 

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