RC_LP_U_301.3 Property Valuation and Reporting Using Loan Product Advisor

1-5 CMB Points Advanced Education Loan Production (Origination, Underwriting, Processing) Residential Self-Study Web-Based Courses
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Member $50.00
Non-Member $100.00


Freddie Mac's Loan Product Advisor (LPA) automated underwriting system (AUS) includes an automated collateral evaluation process. Depending on the risk classification of the loan application, assessment feedback is provided, enabling lenders to waive certain representations and warranties for the collateral.

Property Valuation and Reporting Using Loan Product Advisor explores the collateral evaluation of loan applications processed through LPA. The course begins with a discussion of the different levels of minimum collateral assessment feedback generated by the AUS. Next, it covers the steps necessary to validate property data requirements and lists the exhibits required. The course concludes by summarizing project review requirements for planned unit developments (PUDs) and condominiums.


This is a single-family/residential course.

  • Minimum Collateral Assessment Feedback
  • Data Requirements for Minimum Collateral Assessment
  • Required Exhibits for Minimum Collateral Assessment
  • Project Review Requirements
  • Case Study


    Seat time approximately 1 hour.

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