CC_S_204.3 Commercial/Multifamily Property Surveillance

1-5 CMB Points Commercial / Multifamily Commercial Certified Mortgage Servicer (CCMS) Education Intermediate Loan Administration & Servicing Self-Study Web-Based Courses
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Member $50.00
Non-Member $100.00

Servicer surveillance of commercial/multifamily collateral real estate is provided for in the borrower's loan documents and detailed in the servicing agreement.

The level of property surveillance may vary based on such characteristics as the property type, loan size, leverage, and market conditions. Servicer responsibilities for property surveillance may also vary depending on loan type and the servicer's role in the transaction.

Commercial/Multifamily (CMF) Property Surveillance examines the servicer's role in monitoring the collateral. It begins by identifying risks related to various property types. Next, it looks at common property inspection requirements. It then examines special considerations for new construction properties, properties that are not stabilized, and properties that are damaged. Finally, at the end of the course, special considerations related to particular types of tenants are discussed.

This is a commercial/multifamily course.

  • Risks Related to Property Type
  • Property Inspections
  • Special Property Considerations
  • Tenants


    Seat time approximately 1.5 hours.


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