CC_S_204.1 Commercial/Multifamily Surveillance Fundamentals
Option | Price |
Member | $50.00 |
Non-Member | $100.00 |
Commercial/multifamily surveillance is all about information. Servicers are the borrower and property contact as well as the focal point for gathering the information that is used to monitor loan or pool performance.
Loan documents, servicing agreements, and third-party information providers all play a role in the collection and analysis of information used in surveillance. As markets change or trends develop, the information required to perform surveillance may change, the frequency at which the information is required may change, or the focus of surveillance may change.
Commercial/Multifamily (CMF) Surveillance Fundamentals takes a high-level look at what surveillance is and how it benefits various parties in the lending cycle. It examines the tools used by the servicer during surveillance and the role of the servicer in performing surveillance. Finally, the course describes guidelines for ethical behavior in servicer surveillance.
This is a commercial/multifamily course.
Seat time approximately 1.5 hours.
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