CC_S_203.3 Commercial/Multifamily GSE and Agency Servicing Governing Documents

1-5 CMB Points Commercial / Multifamily Commercial Certified Mortgage Servicer (CCMS) Education Intermediate Loan Administration & Servicing Self-Study Web-Based Courses
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Non-Member $100.00

Unlike CMBS pooling and servicing agreements (PSAs), which are specific to each pool of loans, servicing agreements for agency loans are typically a single contract that covers all of the loans or pools of loans serviced for the agency/GSE. This is possible because the loan and securitization documents for agency/GSE loans are fairly standard; they are not negotiated, as is often the case with PSAs.

Commercial/Multifamily Agency and GSE Servicing Agreements looks at the various agency/GSE servicing agreements and requirements. First explored is Fannie Mae servicing agreements, followed by Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae, and HUD/FHA servicing agreements. As the course examines each agency's/GSE's servicing agreement, it discusses the purpose of each agreement, the standard requirements contained in the servicing contract, the location of critical requirements, the method of communicating changes to the servicers, and required forms for approvals and/or waivers of standard requirements contained in various guides or handbooks.

This is a commercial/multifamily course.

  • Basics of GSEs and Agency Multifamily Servicing Agreements
  • Fannie Mae Agreements
  • Freddie Mac Agreements
  • Ginnie Mae Agreements
  • HUD/FHA Agreements


    Seat time approximately 1.5 hours.

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