CC_S_202.1 Benchmarking in Commercial/Multifamily Loan Servicing
Option | Price |
Member | $50.00 |
Non-Member | $100.00 |
Benchmarking is the process by which servicers measure their operational performance. By measuring their performance against standard benchmarks, servicers are able to determine where they are operationally successful, where there is room for improvement, and how they compare to other servicing operations.
Benchmarking in Commercial/Multifamily (CMF) Loan Servicing looks at the basics of benchmarking servicing performance. It begins by defining benchmarking and describing the benchmarking process. Next, it identifies and describes the standards against which servicers measure their performance. From there the course discusses the benefits of benchmarking to the servicer. Finally, the course looks at ethical considerations and the importance of recognizing qualitative measures during the benchmarking process.
This is a commercial/multifamily course.
Seat time approximately 30 mins.
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