CC_GO_100.2 Commercial/Multifamily Origination and Underwriting

1-5 CMB Points Commercial / Multifamily Commercial Certified Mortgage Servicer (CCMS) Education Intermediate Loan Production (Origination, Underwriting, Processing) Self-Study Web-Based Courses Valuation & Appraisal
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The commercial/multifamily loan cycle begins when a property owner or prospective borrower seeks financing from a lender for a new or existing property. The prospective borrower then submits required documentation to the loan originator or potential lender for underwriting. Once this comprehensive review of the loan application, property performance, and applicant capabilities is completed, the underwriter determines the economic viability of the project and presents the loan to the lender's loan approval or investment/credit committee.

Commercial/Multifamily (CMF) Origination and Underwriting evaluates the first few phases in the loan cycle and their impact on servicing. It begins with a look at the origination process and then examines the underwriting process. Finally, at the end of the course, the process by which a loan may be approved is reviewed.


This is a commercial/multifamily course.

  • Origination
  • Underwriting Process
  • Loan Approval


    Seat time approximately 1 hour.

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