Roger M. Lukoff
Mr. Roger Lukoff has led the FHA Office of Healthcare Programs (OHP) as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Healthcare Programs since May 2016. He is extremely proud of the 170-member Healthcare team supporting a health care facility portfolio of over $38.6 Billion in FY 2024. As a senior executive at FHA since 2010, Mr. Lukoff, in conjunction with the OHP Management Team, developed and implemented organizational policies, strategies, plans, and operating guidelines to address the national healthcare mortgage insurance program. A major accomplishment of the program since 2010 is the generation of off-setting receipts to the U. S. Treasury of an estimated $2.0 Billion. Mr. Lukoff is the former Associate Regional Administrator at the DHHS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) where he was responsible for the Northeast Consortium (CMS Regions I, II and III) Survey, Certification and Enforcement Division, overseeing quality assurance and standards for hospitals, long term care facilities and other healthcare facilities and suppliers participating in federal health programs. Prior to joining CMS, he was a senior healthcare executive at a major integrated health delivery system. He is a Certified Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives, and completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst; graduate degree at The George Washington University; and completed the Wharton Management Program in Business Administration at the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Lukoff is an adjunct professorial lecturer in the Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Health Policy at The George Washington University and in the School of Public Affairs, Department of Government at American University.

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