CREF TRACK: CRE Finance Firms – Managing Your Business to Upcoming Regulatory Changes and Beyond
The CRE Lending Landscape continues to change. Join our session to hear from treasury and industry leaders about changes to Banking, Treasury, Cash Managed Loans, FDIC, Servicer interpretations of ratings and more. There’s a lot for CRE Finance firms to work through.
Keith Kehlbeck is the PGIM Real Estate Executive Director of Investment Operations for the Debt Servicing business. Based in Dallas, Kehlbeck leads a team of ~40 professionals in the U.S. and Ireland and is responsible for the treasury, finance, investor reporting and accounting for a ~$130B portfolio, for multiple clients including Separate and Funds for Core, High Yield products, Agency and Agricultural clients. He also manages many debt platform functions including treasury operations, lender/servicer accounting, management reporting, and lender administration functions including, commissions, COIs, OBAs, etc. Kehlbeck has more than 25 years of experience and previously worked for GE Capital and PwC. He has a B.S. and MBA along with a Texas CPA and MBA CCMS certificate.
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