Climate-Related Risk and Sustainability
The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) is committed to working with policymakers as they develop policies related to climate-related financial risk and sustainability that could have an impact on the residential or commercial and multifamily real estate industry.
MBA will advocate for reasonable policy approaches to address the management and disclosure of climate-related financial risk as it affects real estate finance. MBA also will support reasonable approaches to sustainability factors that appropriately balance operational burden with the usefulness of the disclosed information. Any development of climate-related financial risk or sustainability policies affecting the mortgage industry should recognize the evolving understanding of both climate risk and sustainable lending and investing.
Recent MBA Activity Related to Climate-Related Risk and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG)
Ways to Get Involved
MBA's ESG webinar series: MBA continues to schedule and host ESG and climate change focused webinar events for members. Issues covered so far include an overview of net zero in CRE, ESG terms and definitions, and challenges and opportunities related to implementing ESG into CRE business. Please refer to this page for future updates on upcoming ESG webinar events. Access past recordings (MBA Members Only).
MBA's Commercial Real Estate Finance (CREF) Green Lending Roundtable: The Green Lending Roundtable consists of MBA members that work together to gather and share information on emerging investor expectations and appetites on climate risk and ESG, and to identify policy and other trends and conditions in climate and ESG investing. Through the Green Lending Roundtable, MBA is working with its members to navigate the intersection of managing climate risk and meeting ESG and other green lending goals.
MBA's collaboration with Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO): MBA is working with MISMO, the real estate finance industry's standards organization, to facilitate the development of green lending and ESG standards, including, but not limited to, data, terms, and definition to support the flow of consistent information throughout the mortgage finance ecosystem. On December 15, 2021, MISMO launched its updated Commercial Green Utility Dataset. The dataset and accompanying package of resources help facilitate the efficient exchange of green utility information across the commercial real estate finance industry. The dataset standard has achieved "Candidate Recommendation" status, which means that it has been thoroughly reviewed by a wide range of organizations and industry participants and is available for use across the industry. Contact [email protected] or [email protected] to learn more.
Commercial Green Lending Survey: In 2021, MBA conducted a survey of commercial/multifamily lenders' green lending activity. The purpose of the survey was to provide participants a catalog of how other CMF lenders are approaching green lending, including whether individual firms do or do not have a green lending program. MBA expects to do an update in the near future.
To get involved, please contact Megan Booth at (202) 557-2740.
Related MBA Events
Commercial Real Estate Basics: Property Inspection and Environmental Concerns: September 2025
Commercial Certified Mortgage Servicer (CCMS) Exam Prep Course: Fall 2025
mPowering You: MBA's Summit For Women in Real Estate Finance
Get to Know MISMO – The Key to Accelerating the Industry’s Digital Future
Commercial Real Estate Basics: Introduction to Commercial/Multifamily Real Estate: November 2025: On Demand
Related Resources
MBA's Climate-Related Risk and ESG Frequently Asked Questions address differences between climate risk and ESG terminology, highlight climate-related financial risk factors relevant to real estate, and provide an overview of MBA's work on policy, research, and practice in the climate and ESG space. The climate and ESG FAQs may also help MBA members conduct business at and discuss the intersection of climate-related risk, ESG, and CRE. Download our FAQs.
The Impact of Climate Change on Housing and Housing Finance is a 2021 report by Sean Becketti, published Research Institute for Housing America (RIHA). Read the report.