Greg Michaud
Managing Director & Head of Real Estate Finance
Voya Investment Management
Gregory Michaud is head of real estate finance at Voya Investment Management, responsible for the oversight of sourcing, underwriting, and management for all commercial real estate loan platforms. Over the last seven years the platform developed from a proprietary platform to a third-party management one. In addition to managing Voya general account commercial mortgages, there are 21 separate managed accounts and an open-ended debt fund. Investors include a broad group of insurance companies, banks, and public pension funds. Additionally, he serves on the executive leadership team for proprietary assets, the U.S. Credit Committee and chairs the CMBS Steering Committee. Prior to joining Voya as a real estate analyst, Greg was a real estate appraiser focused on commercial properties and eminent domain cases in the southeastern U.S. Greg is an active member of several distinguished real estate industry groups, including the Urban Land Institute (Urban Development Mixed Use Blue Flight), Commercial Real Estate Finance Council (Chairman Emeritus), Mortgage Bankers Association and the National Association of Real Estate Investment Managers. Greg earned an executive MBA from the University of Georgia, an MBA in finance from Kennesaw State University, a Graduate Certificate in Ancient and Classical Studies from APUS, and a BS in real estate from Florida State University.