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Justification Letter to attend Secondary & Capital Markets Conference

Directions: Copy and paste this text into an email to your company’s leadership to request approval to attend this important industry forum. Be sure to complete the business challenge and pricing section to apply to you specifically.

Subject line: Request for conference attendance


I’m writing to ask for approval to attend MBA's Secondary & Capital Markets Conference, held May 18–21 in New York City. The conference is the largest industry event designed exclusively for secondary and capital market professionals. Here is a link to the conference website: mba.org/Secondary.

This conference will allow me to connect with current and potential business partners. By attending I'll have access to market intel, actionable insights, and connections I don't want to miss. In particular, I’d like to focus on finding takeaways that could help solve these business challenges:

  • [add business challenge] List the top 3 things you’d like to learn!
  • [add business challenge]
  • [add business challenge]

Here’s an approximate breakdown of associated event costs:

Airfare: $

Transportation (between airport and hotel): $

Hotel (3 nights at $399) by April 17: $1,197 (plus applicable fees and taxes)

Meals (3 days at $75): $225

Registration Fee: $[check website for current price]

Total: $


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