CLOSING SUPER SESSION: Regulatory Compliance (Closed to Media)
The conference wraps up with a facilitated super session featuring top legal and compliance experts. Bring your questions from the many issues discussed at the conference. This popular session addresses legislation and litigation as well as regulatory requirements. Casual attire is welcome; come for as long as your schedule allows.

Shayna Arrington, ServBank's Chief Risk Officer, is a dedicated advocate for consumer protection and financial services education. As a licensed attorney and former regulator, she specializes in safeguarding consumers’ interests and regulatory adherence. Arrington leads her team with a focus on uncompromising compliance, legal solutions, and collaborative partnerships within the Servbank organization that drive business forward while actively mitigating risks.

Loretta Salzano founded Franzén and Salzano in 1997 to provide practical legal solutions for mortgage and consumer lenders. The firm has grown to serve banks, real estate brokers, title companies, law firms, technology companies and others in the real estate and lending industries – taking pride in its unique ability to navigate a complex tapestry of laws to help clients accomplish their goals. The firm’s attorneys counsel clients on how to increase their business while remaining within the confines of the laws of all 50 states plus federal law, including TILA, RESPA, ECOA, HMDA, FCRA and GLB. Loretta spends much of her time assessing risks related to marketing, pricing and compensation. She also drafts and negotiates a variety of transactional contracts, such as warehouse, loan sale and service agreements; troubleshoots to mitigate damages; and advocates with regulators before, during, and in response to examinations. Loretta was named a Top Compliance Lawyer by Mortgage Compliance Magazine, is a Fellow of the American College of Consumer Financial Services Attorneys, and serves as Legal Counsel to the Mortgage Bankers Association of Georgia. She is active in many professional associations and loves talking the talk for the industry.

Andy Arculin is a partner in Venable’s Regulatory Group and the firm’s Consumer Finance practice. He has over a decade of experience in consumer financial matters, both in private practice and with the federal government. Mr. Arculin advises a wide range of clients on all aspects of the mortgage business from chartering and licensing, to marketing, to loan origination and servicing, to secondary purchase and diligence. Mr. Arculin’s practice focuses on the “alphabet soup” of consumer credit statutes and regulations, including the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), the Truth in Lending Act (TILA), the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA), the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) as well as other federal and state statutes and regulations.

Chava Brandriss leads the mortgage and home lending practice within the banking and financial services group at Davis Wright Tremaine, LLP. Drawing from her career-long focus on the residential mortgage lending and servicing industry following the 2008 financial crisis and rise of the CFPB, she brings to her clients a deep knowledge of issues ranging from fair lending, fair housing, and fair servicing, to default servicing and loss mitigation, investor and agency rules, and the TILA/Regulation Z, RESPA/Regulation X, and other requirements unique to residential mortgage lending and servicing. Brandriss represents financial institutions against claims by consumers, advocates during government enforcement actions and investigations, and navigates clients through the maze of federal and state laws regulating consumer financial services.

Troy Garris is Co-Managing Partner of Garris Horn LLP. A business owner’s lawyer, Garris prides himself on a results-oriented, pragmatic approach to legal and compliance for mortgage companies and banks. He deals with federal and state compliance, regulatory enforcement defense, company formation, and mergers and acquisitions. In these areas, he represents independent mortgage bankers, community banks, lenders, servicers, builders, title companies, secondary market investors, and equity funds. Garris is frequently involved in matters involving LO Compensation, RESPA, TILA, Fair Lending, FHA, social media marketing, and other issues, and appears in matters before the CFPB, HUD, FTC, and state banking agencies.

Michael Y. Kieval is a Partner at financial services boutique Weiner Brodsky Kider PC, in Washington, DC, where he heads the firm's licensing and state law practice and provides federal regulatory compliance advice to clients large and small. He represents companies in the financial services and mortgage industries nationwide in state and federal litigation, including numerous RESPA Section 8 class actions, as well as government investigations and both federal and state examinations and enforcement actions. Kieval regularly speaks to industry audiences about the CFPB, regulatory compliance, and cybersecurity.

Josh represents banks, nonbank lenders, fintech companies and other financial services providers in significant enforcement matters before a host of federal and state agencies, including the US Department of Justice (DOJ), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). He also has experience advising on matters of compliance with respect to a range of consumer protection laws, such as the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), Fair Housing Act (FHA), unfair, deceptive or abusive acts or practices (UDAP and UDAAP) statutes under the Dodd-Frank Act, Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), Truth in Lending Act (TILA), Fair Credit Reporting

Haydn Richards, a Partner with Bradley, is one of the foremost leaders in state financial services law and licensing matters. Haydn counsels clients on all aspects of financial services licensing and compliance, state law, the NMLS, and CFPB-related compliance matters. Selected by his peers to serve as Chair of the Industry Advisory Council of the American Association of Residential Mortgage Regulators from 2018-2020, Haydn regularly interacts with state regulators on behalf of industry members. He has individually resolved financial services enforcement actions in 45 of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, perhaps more than any other attorney in this space. Haydn regularly assists clients with the largest transactions in the industry in a creative and company-focused manner.
Leslie advises financial institutions and mortgage companies on the complex web of federal law that regulates the financial services industry. Leslie provides a variety of lenders with a comprehensive understanding of how federal laws and regulations impact their business operations. She guides clients around and through the requirements of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, RESPA, TILA, TRID, Loan Originator Compensation Rule, FCRA, ECOA, HMDA, UDAAP prohibitions, as well as fair lending and financial privacy laws, and other consumer finance regulatory matters. Leslie also assists companies in successfully navigating supervisory examinations and counsels on the requirements of the CFPB, FTC, GSEs, FHA, and VA.